also a spider has turned up in the cage, dunno why. one of the eggs has hatched (still 2 in the cage) seems he didn't ask anything today, tickled him a bit, but nothing I took him out to have a look & he started yelling & calling me names fed him a food pellet (I'm out of larvae atm)Īlmost forgot today, was really busy luckily he was still there I didn't really have time today, coz I needed to fix my bike, so I just did what's needed to keep everything going started asking questions bout my mum & dad (some I had to lie, as my mum is dead & for some reason he didn't get that) the cocoon has now spawned a moth-like creature (also with a human face) do I have children? male/female/how old, etc. started going all astrological about our characters & stuff (funny, but it was spot on ) the last of the larvae is making a cocoon checked the insect cage again before saving he was mad & didn't feel like talking today, after much hassle I got him to ask me 1 question. then it didn't want to talk anymore & said I had to get lost it has dumped a huge turd right under my eyes
also when it found out my birthday, it promptly started singing "the 4th of july", also said "I think they made a movie of that" started asking all kinds of questions: male or female, how old I am, when my birthday is & so on. also it asked me to give it a name, which I did I got an insect cage today, for breeding larvae as food the remaining one has changed again, scales are now golden one died while I was away (dunno if this is good or bad) they really talk well at this point, also their voices start getting deeper complained that it was cold at first, complained that it was hot later my gf was laughing at me & thinks I'm even weirder nowĭay 6: I'm a bit behind schedule posting, coz I've been a bit busy, this one is from last night when I said come, one replied with: I'm not your dog. 2 of em are now dead, but not before having had sex with the other 2, I guess this is a good thing Got up late with a hangover & had to get ready to go to a festival so I only: when I said nintendo, one said nonono (this is positive I suppose ) they start to look like fish today, getting scales & fins the more intelligent one has an attitude already, I asked it something simple & it replied by: nonono they clearly say: hello, hi, bye, seaman, yes, no, fun & a few other words now there's one clearly more intelligent than the other 3, it almost talks nonstop. they are now starting to talk gibberish, with a few words in between one of the 4 says Hello to me in the end. can't remember the rest.feel like an idiot. I got no response at first, then after a while they seem to respond to certain words: hello, hi, mommy, food, night, bye. so here's the part where I start talking to my. I suppose they make noises, can't understand a damn thing they say it has now died.hey, 4 little new creatures hatched from its body this is getting interesting now woke up that thing that lives in the shell & got it to eat half of the spermthings after a few minutes it hatched into these little sperm-like things (8 or so I think) I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it going (or if I forget to play & it dies ), but I'll see where it takes me. Ok, so I'm on holiday for a month and am not going anywhere so I (finally) decided to get into this.