Pokemon soul silver emulator mac
Pokemon soul silver emulator mac

pokemon soul silver emulator mac

Ledian now actually has some SpA to speak of and isn't a total loser.

  • ****Ledian and Ariados have both had their base stats increased, especially Ledian.
  • The movepool of both Hoothoot and Noctowl provides constant access to special Flying STAB, starting with Gust instead of Peck and moving from there.
  • ***Noctowl has been buffed and now actually has SpA.
  • Butterfree and Beedrill have had a large increase to some base stats, and they evolve later to make up for that.
  • **Weedle/Caterpie have had an increase to stats and the ability to learn a few more moves, Kakuna and Metapod can learn more moves and have their pre-evolutions' attacking moves as base moves now.
  • Porygon -(Level Up holding Up-Grade)-> Porygon2 -(Level Up holding Dubious Disc)-> Porygon-Z.
  • Magmar -(Level Up holding Magmarizer)-> Magmortar.
  • Electabuzz -(Level Up holding Electrizer)-> Electivire.
  • Scyther -(Level Up holding Metal Coat)-> Scizor.
  • pokemon soul silver emulator mac

  • Horsea -(Lv.32)-> Seadra -(Level Up holding Dragon Scale)-> Kingdra.
  • Onix -(Level Up holding Metal Coat)-> Steelix.
  • pokemon soul silver emulator mac

    Slowpoke -(Level Up holding Kings' Rock)-> Slowking.


    In order to randomize a Pokmon game, you'll need a ROM for the Pokemon game, and an emulator installed on your Windows or Mac computer is required to play the game.

  • Poliwag -(Lv.25)-> Poliwhirl -(Level Up holding Kings' Rock)-> Politoed Make sure that you have a ROM and an emulator.
  • List of Features Evolution Changes Generation I:

    Pokemon soul silver emulator mac