Ledian now actually has some SpA to speak of and isn't a total loser.
****Ledian and Ariados have both had their base stats increased, especially Ledian. The movepool of both Hoothoot and Noctowl provides constant access to special Flying STAB, starting with Gust instead of Peck and moving from there. ***Noctowl has been buffed and now actually has SpA. Butterfree and Beedrill have had a large increase to some base stats, and they evolve later to make up for that. **Weedle/Caterpie have had an increase to stats and the ability to learn a few more moves, Kakuna and Metapod can learn more moves and have their pre-evolutions' attacking moves as base moves now. Porygon -(Level Up holding Up-Grade)-> Porygon2 -(Level Up holding Dubious Disc)-> Porygon-Z. Magmar -(Level Up holding Magmarizer)-> Magmortar. Electabuzz -(Level Up holding Electrizer)-> Electivire. Scyther -(Level Up holding Metal Coat)-> Scizor.
Horsea -(Lv.32)-> Seadra -(Level Up holding Dragon Scale)-> Kingdra. Onix -(Level Up holding Metal Coat)-> Steelix.
Slowpoke -(Level Up holding Kings' Rock)-> Slowking.
In order to randomize a Pokmon game, you'll need a ROM for the Pokemon game, and an emulator installed on your Windows or Mac computer is required to play the game.
Poliwag -(Lv.25)-> Poliwhirl -(Level Up holding Kings' Rock)-> Politoed Make sure that you have a ROM and an emulator. List of Features Evolution Changes Generation I: